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There is no denying that health insurance is an absolute necessity in current times. It helps policyholders avail timely medical care without worrying about financing the rising healthcare costs. However, purchasing a policy also entails full health insurance coverage costs. The policyholders make regular premium payments in exchange for the right to file claims when the need arises.


If you are considering buying the best health insurance plan, you must gain a comprehensive understanding of the health insurance cost in India and compare them against the policy benefits. You will find this information in the following article. The upcoming sections will help you examine the main elements and variables that affect health insurance cost in India and provide tips to lower expenses while maintaining sufficient insurance coverage.

Understanding the Cost Elements of a Health Policy

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Health insurance prices comprise various components. Here are the major components that reflect the overall expenses associated with obtaining and maintaining coverage:


The premium is the regular payment made to the insurance company in exchange for coverage.


Deductibles are the total amount you must pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in.


Co-payments require you to contribute a specific percentage of the medical expenses, with the insurance company covering the rest. This cost-sharing mechanism helps in lowering premiums, thus ensuring you bear a portion of the financial burden when seeking medical services.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum/Limit

An out-of-pocket limit is the maximum amount you are required to pay in a policy period. Once this limit is reached, the insurance company covers all remaining eligible expenses.

Add-On Riders

Some health policies offer additional riders that you can include for an extra cost. These riders may provide coverage for specific critical illnesses, maternity expenses, or other specialised services.

No-Claim Bonus (NCB)


Some insurance policies offer a no-claim bonus, which provides a discount on the premium for each claim-free year.

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The Average Health Insurance Prices in India: Key Factors

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The average medical insurance price in India is influenced by several factors. For instance, an individual policy of ₹50 lakh for a 30-year-old individual can cost anywhere in the range of ₹20,000–60,000 per year. A family plan where the oldest member’s age is around 30 years, on the other hand, can cost between ₹40,000 and ₹50,000.


Understanding the following factors that drive the average medical insurance price can help you budget effectively and make informed choices when selecting a health plan:


Age and Health Profile

Younger individuals pay lower premiums compared to older individuals or those with pre-existing medical conditions. This is because insurers have to bear a lower risk in the case of younger and healthier individuals.

Sum Insured

The sum insured, or the maximum amount the insurer will pay in case of a claim, directly influences the premium. Opting for a higher sum insured results in higher premiums.

Coverage Type

Comprehensive plans that cover a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalisation, outpatient care, and pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses, tend to have higher premiums.

Policy Duration

Opting for a longer policy term can offer cost savings compared to renewing the policy annually. Many insurers provide discounts for policyholders who commit to multi-year coverage.

Geographical Location

In urban areas with higher healthcare expenses, premiums are relatively higher compared to rural areas. The availability of medical facilities, the cost of living, and healthcare infrastructure contribute to these regional variations.

Tips to Reduce the Cost Burden of a Health Policy

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Reducing the cost burden of a best health insurance policy requires a strategic approach that balances affordability with adequate coverage. Here are some tips to help minimise health insurance plan prices:


Shop Around and Compare Plans

Don't settle for the first health plan you come across. Compare policies from different insurance providers. In addition to premiums, also consider coverage, deductibles, and co-payments. Online comparison tools like premium calculators can be valuable in helping you make an informed decision.


Choose the Right Coverage Level

Assess your healthcare needs and choose a coverage level that aligns with those needs. While comprehensive plans offer extensive coverage, they come with higher premiums. If you are relatively healthy and don't anticipate frequent medical visits, a basic plan with lower premiums can be sufficient.


Start Early

As discussed above, premiums are often lower for younger individuals, who are generally healthier and present lower risks to insurance providers. Starting early allows you to avail yourself of low cost health insurance. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to accumulate no-claim bonuses and build a history of consistent coverage.


Explore Family Plans

If you have a family, consider opting for a family health plan. These plans often provide coverage for multiple family members at a discounted rate compared to individual plans. This can be a cost-effective way to ensure the health and well-being of your entire family.


Take Advantage of Employer-sponsored Plans

If your employer offers healthcare insurance benefits, take advantage of them. Employer-sponsored plans often come with group discounts. Employers generally contribute to the premium cost, reducing the burden on individual policyholders.


Review and Update Your Policy Regularly

Periodically reassess your healthcare insurance needs and policy. As circumstances change, such as a change in family size or health status, adjust your coverage accordingly. This ensures that you are not paying for coverage you no longer need or are underinsured for potential risks.


Obtain a Top-up Plan

One emerging strategy to consider is the incorporation of top-up plans. These plans offer an additional layer of coverage beyond the basic health policy, often at a more affordable premium. Top-up plans kick in once the basic policy's coverage limit is exhausted. They provide an extra financial cushion without significantly increasing the health insurance plan prices. This can be a prudent way to enhance coverage without stretching the budget.

Find the Right Balance between Cost and Coverage

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While it's crucial to manage expenses, it's equally important to ensure that your health policy provides adequate protection in times of need. Niva Bupa’s diverse range of low cost health insurance plans, including ReAssure 2.0, Health Companion, Health Premia, Super Saver, GoActive, and more, are designed keeping this in mind. These plans offer all-around protection while ensuring cost-effectiveness.


Moreover, you can reduce the full health insurance coverage cost with the help of our flexible family floater plans and long-term policies while enjoying features like no-claim bonuses. Our policies further allow you to reduce out-of-pocket costs by availing cashless treatment at the 10,000+ network hospitals. Contact us today and get started on your insurance journey with one of the best health insurance companies in India.


How much does health insurance cost in India?

What is the minimum amount of medical insurance ?

How much does health insurance cost in India? - +

The cost of health insurance in India varies significantly based on several factors, including your age, medical history, desired coverage, insurer, and any additional benefits. On average, basic health insurance plans can start from a few thousand rupees annually, while more comprehensive plans can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of rupees per year. It's essential to compare plans from different insurers to find one that best fits your budget and healthcare needs.